Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Patiently enduring til' promise comes...Especially for women.

One of my greatest desires as a minister is to reach women. Who else better to serve women, than a woman herself? I always wanted to do this even before I found out I was a preacher. I wanted then (still do now) to open a women's shelter to assist women in getting away from abusive relationships with the help necessary to begin again. As a child I lived in a women's shelter for a fraction of time with my mother and I knew then I would want to do that when I grew up.
I also want to reach the younger women who are just on the cusp of woman-hood to teach them how to tap into that G-d given power that removes all fear and insecurity. I think that's one of the main reasons that young women subject themselves to early sex and consequently many times teenage pregnancy and motherhood. I understand that it is not my time yet because I am still working on some things of my own...I'm still immature in some areas. So I can wait. I don't want to try to assist someone only to hinder them in any way because I am yet immature myself. That would be awful.

Now I usually don't post stuff like this--But women....
Everyday that I spend at church I hear women going on and on talking about needing, wanting and finding a husband. First of all women aren't even supposed to be looking. If you get your hand out the cookie jar G-d could fill it! The word of G-d says that "he that findeth a wife...(proverbs 18:2) It also says in Isaiah 34:16 Seek ye out of the book of the LORD, and read: no one of these shall fail, none shall want her mate: Stop looking. Stop giving your number out to every man you think is available and learn to wait. You're supposed to be living and walking the word by faith--do what it says. You say you trust G-d--trust that he got ya' back and he'll bless you when it's your season. Now this is not for all women, some of are operating in something different--I'm talking to specific women.

Besides what are you going to do with a husband? It's more than companionship and sex. Believe that! There is a season(sometimes more than one) where sex is the least of your priorities nor desire! No matter how good you believe it is--it will play out eventually when other things come.

So to all those women who "just gotta have a huzbin' ask yourself....
Are you prepared to have sex when you are tired, stanky from leaking breast milk and sleep deprived, body achin' after the chilrens' arrive? Can you function as a wife and a mother tired from work and tending to sick children or just on an average night when the children interrupt your sleep and your husband sleeps on? Can you muster up desire then to put on a g-string and work it at any given time? Are you prepared to go through financial bouts, lack of time alone, or even a season when your husband may or may not desire to even seek the Lord? Can you say that you are prepared to carry a house on your shoulders in prayer and fasting, dragging your children to church alone until your husband pulls himself together? Are you ready to put your life into the hands of a man, trusting, that he has direction even when he says he doesn't know what to do??? Can you handle forgotten birthdays, anniversaries and mothers days? Can you stay and function as a wife until G-d releases you even though you want to flee as soon as the sun rises? And for black women--can you shut up even though you are right and he keeps talking, irritating you to the point where you feel as if you might burst(I told you I'm still under construction in some areas)? Or wait, can you handle him taking another persons opinion over yours even though you told him the exact same thing?

Now when I say these things women look at me as if I am crazy. Or bitter. Nahhhh...Baby. That's not it. I have been a new wife and now I am a veteran and I have not only witnessed these things in my own marriage, but in the marriages of others as well. Most women need to get a grip. They really don't want a husband they are looking for sex and drama. Women by nature love drama--especially black women. We say we don't want drama but if it follows you, you do. You can only attract who you were or who you are! That's the law of Genesis--every seed bears after it's own kind. Women don't want to hear other women's stories because they all believe none of these things can ever happen to them. If he's a man--it's possible. He is not G-D himself. He's subject to have moments when he is not the perfection you think you are about to get. Jesus said none is good--perfect--but the father (Matthew 19:17).

And even if you find your soul mate--because I hear plenty of women saying it will be different when I have him--"the one I was created for"--he's still in a flesh body! He'll still have issues. You are not perfection--so he can't and won't be either. I have seen soul mate marriages on the brink of divorce. Why? How? Because they are still people with experiences and baggage.
Don't be tricked, having your soul mate simply means you are in G-ds perfect will for your life and have the person created for you to enable you to walk in your destiny. It's about kingdom business! If you don't desire kingdom business over all..You might want to wait until you want father over anything else. Otherwise you'll make a man idolatry. G-d is not going to allow you to place anyone or anything above him! That's why some women are still waiting--you are immature in that area at least.

And finally...You have to realize that your David was more than likely someone else's Saul. Destined for greatness but not there or even close yet! If he was married before, his first wife had to endure lack, shortage, insufficiency and stupidity while he was their husband. But that woman helped prepare him for you. Have a sense of sisterhood and appreciation for what others went through so he could be your Boaz! And if you were married thank G-d for that time in hell. It will develop your character, teach you what you really don't want and deepen your walk with father and allow you understand the timing of father is perfect. You learn to lean on him. The single season has purpose. Embrace it! It's designed to teach you that you are ignorant of what you want, when you need it and who you really are. When you realize you are stupid and he's not, your on the right track. Even if you are a prophet--bless G-d--you still only know what he wants you to know!

So while you wait--don't be weary in well doing. Embrace the season. Allow G-d to be your husband, your companion, your friend. Become refined, develop a deeper prayer life and relationship with the one who's bestowing the gift. Before you can be promoted, he has to know that when he does, he'll still have you. If you are whining, complaining and impatient, you are missing the point of the single season. Besides that what patience means in the bible--waiting, remaining the same without complaint. You are not as ready as you think you are if you can't do that! Take it from a veteran. I had to have my huzbin'! Everyone else had one--I wanted mine. I got him. I won't go there but you understand....

********Just a side note:Another reason why some don't have their husbands is because they are contaminated. Yep I said it! If you are believing for a husband, you can't even spend time with everybody and anybody. Your system and spirit have to be purged from all other/former relationships. Not only that but if Boaz saw you talking to some of the men you allow to take up your time, he'd probably dismiss his interest in you thinking "if he can have her attention and he's a fool, anybody can!" Marriage and relationships in general are about favor--preferring another over all others. A man is seeking Favor! *********

Deal with your baggage. Confront you so that you can begin to allow father to purge you of all the stuff your marriage won't need added to it.If you don't endure the process, you'll duplicate past events in the new experience. And just wait....Job said he was going to wait until he change comes (Job 14:14). You are going to have to do the same.

Be blessed.


Blogger Serenity3-0 said...

Wow! Why am I just now finding your blog? You said so many on point things. And most of all, I know that I ain't ready for a huzbin. And I pray for patience. You just made yourself a new friend. Preach!

7:23 PM  

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