Monday, May 22, 2006

Post # 2
Perfect will vs. Permissive will...How I understand it.

One of my readers asked about this last week and I have spent a great deal thinking prior to responding. Mainly because I am smack dab in the middle of this very thing. I have been telling G-d for months now that I only desire the things that he wanted me to have since before the foundations of the earth were formed. Now mind you, ignorantly I have been saying this and trying to figure out why things haven't gone in a greater direction for me. I have been struggling in every area of my life. I forgot what I had been asking him for. You see there is a common misconception in the church that believes that G-d has 3 wills. That's a misinterpretation of the scripture. It's really done in ignorance so much as it is because we want to believe that we are somewhere in G-d's plan. There is only perfect will and everything else. We call it permitted will. Let's examine the text again... And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2

The scripture says clearly that we are to prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of G-d. The "is" is added into the text by the translators (all of the words that are italicized are to the detriment of a lot of the text because it tends to be contradictory in some instances. But that's a whole other post if anyone is interested, I'll be happy to elaborate) To understand it clearly we have to go back to the beginning when G-d said in Genesis that what he saw was good. Good meaning that there was nothing that needed to be added unto it. When have we ever had to add more stars or separate the waters from the land again? After he created us and gave us commandments of dominion and increase he said it was very good. Meaning it was even better than every thing else that he had done.
So to think that G-d has 3 wills is simply error. There is only his and what he has made allowances for. As the first partaker of the message, I know what it is to know that you have missed G-d and to be anxious to get back on plan. The scriptures say that the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord(psalms 37:23) Funny thing is no one ever finishes the scripture out. The scripture says that he delighteh in his way. That word there means that its to be desired. It's pleasing. What's pleasing to G-d will ultimately be pleasing to us. That's the problem right there. Most of us don't desire to be where we are. Happiness is far from where we are. We are content--meaning we are able to bear it until the shift comes so that we can really be where you want to be.

Now I am going to say something that's probably going to start a whole other conversation and I really don't mind. But we can't really be happy with anything but that which G-d gives us. Everything else takes adjustments. Often not adjustments, we almost have to bend into a whole other person the be able to even find a sliver of contentment. My spiritual father said the other day "perfect will is not anything that makes you anxious or angry. Anything that gets on your nerves or anyone you hate to see coming--that's not perfect will." You know this true because that's why people with money are still unhappy because they don't have that ultimate relationship that completes everything!

The Holy Spirit told me one day, "you ask me stuff but you have already set your mind to getting only the answer that you want to hear". That's how we believe that we heard from G-d on certain situations only to find out later that we missed him. G-d does not force himself on us. We have to have a willing mind/spirit to not only hear from him but to accept what he is saying. And a willingness to do it regardless of what it is.
I have to say this because this is what father taught me--We assume that it's hard to serve G-d. It's really not that hard. Because the scriptures say that his yoke is easy and his burden is light(Matthew 11:30) It's not serving him that's hard--it's coming to him with all that mess that we never should've been in the first place--people we were connected to that we should have never been with. It's destroying all out that out of us that has been deposited in us due to rebellion and ignorance that makes serving G-d hard. It's serving him while being delivered from mess that's hard. That's why the first part of the scripture says come unto me all ye that labor and are heavy laden--that's all the stuff we are carrying that he never gave us. Next it says to take his yoke and learn of him--that's what makes it hard. Having to learn his way while purging out our way which caused us to be where we are in the first place. Purging us and depositing him. The process is hard because renewing your mind from error takes a considerable amount of work.
When t asked about permissive will, I thought to myself that's exactly where I am now. Being in this place is uncomfortable but necessary because whereas I was stagnate I am now on the right track. Asking for perfect will is the first step. I ask for it everyday. Now I know that means that some stuff is really going to be moved and not in the way that I would desire for it to be done. But whatever has to be done is really fine with me.

I remember that I never thought I would be able to get what he wants from me. I could not understand how I would know what path he would want me on. And then I remember hearing one the TV preachers say that I should talk to father at all times--while driving and showering, eating. I thought how was that? But over time it has become second nature--because it's in us to talk to him like that anyway. This is how I know what to do. By talking to him in my mind and speaking verbally all the time when I am by myself. The more you do it the easier it is to know what he wants from you. Granted, sometimes I miss it, but he will repeat himself so that you can line up. I have had to do that quite a bit myself. But, he's faithful. He desires to help us more than we desire to ask him for the help.
I answered this because I didn't really feel as though I answered t in a way that was really understandable. If G-d ever allows me to be over people I want to teach them in a way that makes the word livable. Not 3 points and a close that leaves me with a ton of questions that I still have to figure out for myself through a bunch of trial and error. I have learned that if a preacher can't really break it down in understandable terms--what he is teaching is foreign to even in him.

Getting to perfect will takes developing the habit of relationship. It requires saying yes only to his way no matter how painful or uncomfortable. It means being void of an opinion of how he's going to do it, when he's going to do it or even why. It don't even matter. I realized I am too stupid to try and figure out his plan. It's my job to desire it and stay on board until it comes to pass. I have learned that only he knows what I really want anyway. All that I ever thought I wanted, is not what it was cracked up to be. So I walk with him--talking to him all the time--to hear what he wants to say and what he wants to do. I know I am on the path to perfect will--slowly but surely.
Be blessed.


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